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Today we celebrate National Clean-Out Your Computer Day by taking time to organize and declutter our digital lives. There is more risk and danger with technology than there used to be, so it’s important to act now and keep your virtual desktop organized and sensitive data safe.

As you organize folders and remove unwanted files, pay attention to where sensitive data get stored and how they can be accessed. Some locations that store data might surprise you: temp folders, your downloads folder, trash bins, and the sent items in your Outlook profile.

If you haven’t already, you can take inventory of your files and data and include it in your cybersecurity plan to ensure you have the best processes for managing data. Your company should also have proactive measures in place to prevent attacks, malware, phishing, and other breaches. And, if a threat or attack gets through, does your company have a plan for how it would respond to such an event?

As you work through the following ideas on how to help keep clean machines, we challenge you to go one step further and be attentive to where your sensitive data is located and compare that to your cybersecurity plan.

Ideas to make the most out of cleaning your computer:

  1. Review and remove any out-of-date or unneeded programs or software, especially if you moved to a cloud-hosted solution. Keep in mind that when you remove a shortcut, it doesn’t uninstall the program or application.
  2. Set up or update your email filters to catch spam messages.
  3. Review your downloads folder, temp files, and trash bins, and remove duplicate and unneeded files.
  4. If you want an easy win to remove unwanted files, go to your disk cleanup for Windows or disk utility tool for Macs to sort by file size and easily delete large junk files.
  5. Preserve or backup your data using a process that protects your backups through an air-gapped process. It’s best if your business already has a protocol to combat stolen or compromised data.
  6. Scan your network environment for personal identifiable information, ensuring that critical data resides in the pre-designated, secure areas of your network.
  7. Ensure that your endpoint protection solution is updated regularly and that a full scan is scheduled to run routinely.
  8. Support National Clean-Out Your Computer Day and encourage others in your organization or on social media. (#CleanOutYourComputerDay or #NationalCleanOutYourComputerDay)
  9. If you aren’t technologically forward or want support to make sure you keep the right files, folders, and data, don’t be afraid to ask for help from an expert.

We also encourage you to physically clean your devices and recycle or dispose of old devices. If you have an entire office that needs support, contact us for more information about a company near you that can help recycle or clean hardware and devices.

There may be specific features you or your industry need for data management in your cybersecurity plan. Contact our team at StrataDefense for a complimentary assessment or discussion for your specific needs.

Sources:  and

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